At Sequoia, every student creates a Learning Pathway in collaboration with parents and instructors. This Pathway defines how the academic goals will support the child's personal interests, passions, questions, and long-term learning goals. This is created in the form of a visual map, allowing the learner to see their progress over time and add detours as they discover more about their interests and themselves along the way. Some maps are in the shape of a relationship graph, as below, while others take the form of an actual map of an imagined land. Visuals are tailored towards the needs of each student. Each Pathway is layered over the state standards for required areas of study.
Below is an example of Pathway maps. The first map was created for Sam, who had a deep passion for Robotics. Sam's Pathway addressed a co-produced series of inquiries while ensuring their general academic needs and areas for social-emotional growth were also included. By engaging Sam in the planning process, Sam was able to achieve more in one school year than in the previous three, both with regard to academic progress and relationship development. The second map was created for Emma, who intensely enjoyed cooking and had yet to find academics accessible. Emma's Pathway addressed a series of co-produced inquiries, layering general academic needs, social-emotional growth goals, and meaningful connections to personal interests throughout her curriculum. By including meaningful interests within the scope of academic concepts, Emma was able to effectively access her daily curriculum for the first time.