Join us for grades K-5 in 2024-2025

Admissions to Sequoia Conservatory has three steps:

1. Inquiry

2. Parent Interview / Child Interview

3. Application


For questions related to tuition, click the "Tuition" button at the bottom of the page


Click the link below and complete the form to initiate an admissions inquiry.


One of our team members will contact you to set up an interview to determine whether Sequoia Conservatory could be a good fit for your child's needs. You will be able to ask any questions you may have about the school at this time. The interviewer will ask you questions about your child's school history and current goals for your child's learning and personal development. If after the parent interview, it seems like Sequoia may be a fit, you will be invited to bring your child to meet with one of our team members. During this child interview, the team member will interact with your child, discuss their feedback about their own learning process, if appropriate, and ask non-academic questions. For children whose preferred communication method is not spoken word, alternative communication based engagement will be facilitated in a partially child-led interaction.


Upon completion of the Parent and Child Interview, an application packet will be sent to you. As part of the application process, if your child has an active IEP, we ask for all current and historical psychoeducational or neuropsychological testing your child may have had, whether completed privately or through a public school for a triennial IEP review. The admissions office is happy to review any/all documentation a parent feels comfortable sharing prior to applying to determine whether a student may be a good fit for our program.